Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Harlan Coben Can Do No Wrong...

Okay, I finally took a break from writing and picked up a book. My sister-in-law had left a copy of Harlan Coben's last year's thriller, LONG LOST, knowing I was a HUGE (Yes, the caps mean I REALLY mean it) fan. I had read all his stuff thus far, and I can't count how many people I have suggested read his stuff. First off, this book was the latest installment of the Myron Bolitar series. The characters in this series cannot be touched. The dialogue is pure top-notch sarcasm, just the way I like it. The book was completed in a day. (I read pretty fast, I'll try not to strain a shoulder blade patting myself of the back.) The thing is about completing a Harlan Coben book is that you miss the characters when they are gone. It is damned fun being in their crazy world. Do yourself a HUGE (there, I go again!) favor and pick this book up. Hell, go back and start from the beginning. You will see that maybe his earlier work isn't as strong (and I find the non-Bolitar stories have better storylines), but you are drawn to reading them. And find yourself ignoring the chores you were supposed to do, because closing these books are too damned hard!

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Deep Pockets of Madonna...

So Madonna's daughter Lourdes is going to LaGuardia, the FAME school, yet suspiciously did not do the typical audition process that the thousands of other students need to take. Instead, she was given a "private" audition. Will all her performances be "private"? Why couldn't this kid go through the same admission auditions that the other kids did? Her fame? How do they expect her to function in the school then if she is too famous to even try out the proper way?

Now, some talented kid, who needed this PUBLIC school's reputation to further their arts career is told "sorry". Seriously Madonna, how much are you donating? Lourdes couldn't head to some pricey school where you could further purchase her career? Instead you feel you need to steal another kid's (who hasn't your financial wealth- be real, Lourdes can act in a film now if you really wanted her to, Madge) dream. Shame on you, and shame on the NYC Board of Ed for getting bought out.